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Posted by Archetype Themes Collaborator on

Birth Date: June 19, 1981

Current Location: Barcelona, Spain

Sponsors: Slackline Industries

Slackline Discipline: Trickline


When did you start slacklining?

I try my first time in 2004 but start to walk around 2006.


What kept you hooked?

The feeling with my body when I am up in the line.


What is your proudest accomplishment in slacklining?

Earning the affection and admiration of others is my greatest achievement and I am humbled to think that people look up to me as a trickline idol.


What is the slackline scene like in your hometown?

I am lucky, in barcelona we have a full option. All levels of players and disciplines.


What kind of slacklining do you do now? Trickline? Longline?

Actually more trick line, but still practicing longline, waterline, and highline some time.


Who are your slacklining role models?

Like showman, Andy of course. But today I enjoy looking rider like Abraham or Pedriño.


What’s your favorite trick?

Mojo flat spin 360.


Do you have any projects that you are working on?

I am working in a local association about slackline for help in the city and make grow the sport. and also work in the international jugde system for can be part of the global grow of the sport.


What is it like being a slackline judge after being a trickline competitor for so long?

For me was the best decision, I love the sport but I have the enough time in my live for can be a professional rider, but I can help to be better.

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